6 Ways to Hack Your Immune System This Winter
As the temperature drops, the days shorten, and the inevitable gloom of winter approaches, you may be dreading the cold and flu season. Plus, for the second winter in a row, your immune system has another threat to contend with – COVID-19.
Keep reading as we explore 6 biohacks to help your immune system defeat winter germs. Let's dive in!
How To Get Your Daily Vitamin D
The easiest way to get your daily dose of vitamin D (often referred to as the 'sunshine vitamin') is to head outside into the sun, which we're seeing an unusually pleasant amount of here in the UK right now, but under the current lockdown regime this may be limited. The restrictions only allow us to leave home once a day for exercise, so if you don't have a garden then thats your lot!
However, there is another way to get your daily dose - through your food.