4 Ingredient Chocolate Keto Cake!

This cake is super simple to make with just four ingredients - eggs, butter, MCT oil & chocolate! It's a really indulgent cake which is great for a special occasion. Switch out the butter for goats butter or coconut oil for a great tasting dairy free option. 

Chocolate Keto Cake!

Here's what you'll need:

  • 300g 85%-99% chocolate
  • 250g grass-fed butter
  • 4 Tbs Pure Health MCT Oil
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 10 egg whites
  • Pinch of salt
  • Berries to top (optional)


  • Sweetener of choice 
Before we begin, pre-heat your oven to 160C.

To get started, heat a pan of water on the stove and add a glass bowl to the top of the pan. Add the chocolate and butter to the bowl and allow it to melt.

Next lets separate the eggs. The egg whites are an important element to this recipe, without flour these are responsible for the height and consistency of the dough. Whip the egg whites with an electric whisk until they are very stiff. 

Add the egg yolks to the chocolate/butter/MCT oil mix to form a smooth paste then add in a pinch of salt to enhance the flavour. Take the egg whites and slowly fold these into your paste just a little at a time ensuring you don't overwork the mixture.

Now that the mixture is ready split is equally into two parts. Empty one half into a well greased baking tin - or 2/3 shallow tins if you want to make a layered cake, then put into your pre-heated over and bake for 20 mins at 160C. In the meantime, refrigerate the other half of the mixture. 

Once baked allow to cool on a cooling rack until completely cold. Remove the left over mixture from the refrigerator and add to the top of each cake and layer them up, finally top with mixture like frosting. Add the berries to the top (or not!) and enjoy!

EXTRA TIP: double up the ingredients for a larger cake or more layers!

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